Monday, August 19, 2013

Pasta with Swordfish and Mint

Pasta con Spada e Menta

      This is a traditional dish in Sicily, and so, of course, I wouldn't dream of making any significant changes. It occurred to me that since I almost always grill swordfish, as one would a beefsteak, could this entire dish be made on the grill? Now it is not a very complex recipe. Mostly we have simple ingredients which are not overly fussed with, which puts a premium on quality. So buy good stuff.
      The dish is usually prepared in a fry pan, which allows the simple sauce to flavor the swordfish. Cooking it on the grill loses this aspect, so I made up for it by adding zucchini to the recipe (which is a normal option, anyway), letting it cook down in some wine and then tossing everything together. You'll need a fresh cheese which gets hit with the heated sauce and softens. I used fresh mozzarella. Of course you have lots of choices here. Get what you like, but get something good because its flavor isn't going to be masked by much. If your fresh mint leaves are large, just tear them up.
            I chose a great wine from Friuli, which is just beginning to mature. The 2009 Chardonnay Selezione from Borgo del Tiglio. The proprietor, Nicola Manferrari has produced a selection of outstanding white wines. There is so little of this in the States that you might not be able to find anything from this wonderful property. If you live in Italy, your chances will probably be better. It is a rich and voluptuous, but mineral wine that pairs well with the swordfish.

(for 2)
      Swordfish Steak (½ to ¾ pounds)
      Pasta (I used Penne Lisce) less than ½ pound
      Small Zucchini (about ¼ pound) (Mine was ½ pound so I only used half)
            * half sliced very thinly
            * half into ¼ inch slices
      White Wine (about ½ cup)
      Olive Oil
      Clove Garlic, chopped
      Fresh Mint (about ¼ oz.)
      Fresh Mozzarella (8 oz.)
      Salt and Pepper


After you do the initial preparation below, everything else is done on the grill at the same time. This isn't as daunting as it might seem, because everything sort of cooks with little intervention on your part. Also, everything is right in front of you, so you can keep an eye on it all. As each component finishes, you toss it in the bowl with the cheese and mint.

1    Cut or break the Cheese into small pieces and place in a large bowl with half the Mint. Slice zucchini as described above, chop garlic.

2    Bring a pan of water to the boil on your grill (or on inside range, if you prefer).
3a  In a small cast iron fry pan heat a few tablespoons of Olive Oil and when hot, add the thinly sliced zucchini, garlic and mint. Let this sauté a little and then add the Wine, move to a less hot part of the grill and let simmer until the liquid is syrupy. You can then add it to the bowl and toss with the cheese and mint.
3b  At the same time, place the thicker zucchini slices on a vegetable grate on your grill and cook, turning so both sides have color, but still have a little bite. When they are done, add them to the bowl and toss.
just beginning to grill
everything near done

3c  At the same time, sear the Swordfish on both sides and cook until just done. Remove from grill and let rest a few minutes and with two forks, tear into bite sized pieces and toss with salt and pepper. Add this to the bowl and toss.
3d  Meanwhile you should add the pasta to the boiling water at about the same time the Swordfish goes on. Be sure you stir regularly at first and until it starts to soften.
adding pasta

tossing everything

4    The Pasta should be last to finish. Scoop it out of the water and add to the bowl, tossing everything. If you think it needs a little more liquid, add a teaspoon or two of the Pasta water, but not much! I didn't add any at all.

This is a very refreshing summertime dish. Enjoy!